On April 24, 2023, the Extraordinary General Meeting of shareholders of Luxempart has approved the conversion of bearer shares issued by Luxempart into dematerialized shares.
The Board of Directors of Luxempart has decided to appoint LuxCSD S.A., a public limited company whose registered office is located at 42, Avenue J.F. Kennedy L – 1855 Luxembourg, registered with the Luxembourg Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés (RCS) under number B154449, as “organisme de liquidation” (settlement organisation), in accordance with the Law of April 6, 2013 relating to dematerialized securities as amended.
The dematerialization will be effective within three months after the publication of a dedicated notice to the RCS.
A FAQ explaining the main features of this dematerialization is available to shareholders and all other interested persons.
To access the FAQ, please click here.